
关闭d, Wednesday, June 19 for Juneteenth

Hawkeye will be closed, Wednesday, June 19 for Juneteenth


Summer Hours: May 13 - July 26, 2024: Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm


靠谱买球app推荐的荣誉课程是为那些想要加强和丰富他们的教育的学生提供的,作为一个充满活力的社区的一部分, 支持性学习社区. 这个项目提供创新的, topics-based课程, 精彩的服务项目, and opportunities to share your work with the Hawkeye community and beyond.


  • Hawkeye faculty members will work closely with you to:

    • Introduce you to vital questions and issues in human life such as evil, 美, 历史变化, 食物, 文化差异, 创造力, 宗教, 等.
    • Practice with you the 艺术s of conversation and inquiry
    • Build a strong academic community
    • Guide and prepare you for college and career
    • 帮助你实现你的潜力
  • Opportunities beyond the classroom include:

    • 一天旅行
    • 演讲嘉宾
    • 会议
    • 研讨会
    • 撤退
    • 研究
    • 研究会话
    • 颁奖庆典


  1. 完成13个学分:
    1. 荣誉研讨会s or 荣誉项目 (Independent Study): 9 credit hours
    2. 服务项目: 3 credit hours
    3. Portfolio and presentation: 1 credit hour
  2. Member of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) International
  3. 累积平均绩点3分.5 or higher in your 荣誉项目 coursework


学生 may take 荣誉研讨会s, 荣誉项目, or 服务项目 for credit without officially being in the 荣誉项目. 您完成的荣誉课程和学分将在您的成绩单上注明.


Upon successful completion of all the program elements, 荣誉项目 will be noted on your Hawkeye transcript.

If you do not complete all program elements, your honors credits will still go on your transcript as such, but 荣誉项目 will not be noted on your transcript.

荣誉研讨会 (xxx-926) and 荣誉项目 (xxx-924)


荣誉研讨会是一门三学分的专题课程,旨在挑战和激励你. 本课程允许由荣誉委员会批准的教师选择兴趣广泛的主题进行深入研究,并提供更大的深度, 宽度, and opportunities for engagement. 主题每学期都会改变.

荣誉研讨会s count towards your Liberal 艺术 Associate of 艺术 (AA) degree or Liberal 艺术 Associate of Science (AS) degree 核心课程.

  • 知识的多样性: 本课程探讨不同学科的方法、见解和局限性. For each unit, students discuss a text, event, work of 艺术, 等., 从不同学科的角度,以比较和对比他们的方法和见解. 社会学如何帮助我们理解说唱音乐、政治事件或宗教信仰? 它的见解与人类学、心理学、哲学等的方法有何不同.? 演讲嘉宾 discuss and practice their disciplines with students. 教练:蒂姆·亚当森.

  • Foodology: This course explores the physical, 生物, 食品的化学研究,并通过提出与现代饮食相关的主题来检验食品科学. Topics will include: 食物 processing, 食品分发, 有机食品, 转基因食品, 宏量和微量营养素, 肥胖的流行. 教练:Kassandra Einfelt.

  • Exploring Creative Expression in the 艺术: Adopt, Adapt, Transform: Have you ever wondered what makes 凡克ogh or Shakespeare so timeless? This interdisciplinary course will explore and examine the creative process, which is utilized in a variety of disciplines. 学生 will experiment with creative practices, 探索灵感来源, and examine the concept of 美, 艺术, and literature through a variety of lenses. Instructors: Robin Sprague and Jennifer Bates.

  • 面对邪恶: 本课程探讨了许多宗教和哲学的方法来解决人类生活中存在的邪恶. 传统宗教试图帮助他们的信徒理解和处理各种形式的邪恶. What is evil, and where does it come from? How can I deal with it when it enters my life? 本课程探讨了世界各大宗教和哲学传统中对邪恶的不同反应. 教练:蒂姆·亚当森.

  • The Humanities Through Tolkien: This 荣誉研讨会 will serve as a forum in which students will be able, 遵循教师框架, 以J.R.R. 托尔金的legendarium. 我们将利用他的成果, both fictional and non-fictional, 作为学生探索和应用这些方法的门户. 教练:罗伯特·斯蒂德.

  • The 'F' Word: A Seminar on Feminist Art: This course provides an overview of the feminist 艺术 movement, its significant works and major figures. 它将成为讨论女性在艺术中的历史地位,同时审视社会基础的论坛, 艺术ist motivations and movement goals. 实地参观画廊将使学生有机会亲身体验与本课程相关的重要艺术作品. 进一步, 学生可以选择在本学期的课程中通过参与创造性作品来加深他们的参与度. Instructors: Lisa Munoz and Lindsay Buehler.

  • Chinese Philosophy: Attaining Flow: 本次荣誉研讨会将重点考察中国哲学和宗教传统,探讨如何过有效的生活, most clearly manifested in attaining states of “flow.“我们将广泛研究这些传统的思想和实践,这些传统体现在中国和更大的世界文化中. 教练:罗伯特·斯蒂德.


荣誉项目是由你和导师设计的1-3学分的独立学习课程, according to your special interests. These can be academic or service-based.

荣誉项目课程不计入完成荣誉课程所需的学分,也不计入你的文科副学士(AA)学位或文科副学士(AS)学位核心课程, 然而, 学生和导师可以在开课前向荣誉委员会和院长提出申诉.


荣誉项目申请被批准的标准是非常高的,因为课程是不寻常的,通常不满足荣誉研讨会的互动和公共方面. 尽管如此,如果提出的荣誉项目是严格和全面的,它可能会被接受.

荣誉项目的学分计入荣誉课程的完成, 荣誉项目必须修满三个学分,学生和教师必须:

  1. 电子邮件 a letter of appeal to the Honors Committee 在创建类之前: 教师和学生必须发一封电子邮件,解释拟议的荣誉项目如何满足荣誉研讨会的要求. 这封信必须在班级注册之前寄给荣誉委员会.

  2. 等待委员会审查: The Honors Committee will review the appeal and respond within 10 days.

  3. 创建课程: 无论上诉是否被批准,课程都可以注册. 然而, 如果上诉被拒绝,学分将不计入荣誉课程的完成.


完成荣誉课程需要三个服务项目学分. 这些学分可以在一个学期完成,也可以在几个学期完成,也可以在整个学期开始. Your needs and your schedule dictate what you can do!

Design your own service project or join a Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) service project. Phi Theta Kappa, the Honors Society of community colleges, has a strong tradition of service projects at Hawkeye.


Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)

学生 accepted into the 荣誉项目 must become members of Phi Theta Kappa国际 by the end of their first semester in the 荣誉项目.

Hawkeye is a local chapter of Phi Theta Kappa. 参加靠谱买球app推荐的Phi Theta Kappa分会不是荣誉课程的要求, but is encouraged to maximize benefits.

了解更多关于靠谱买球app推荐的Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)荣誉协会的当地分会.

Benefits of Hawkeye's 荣誉项目

  • 完成荣誉课程会在你的成绩单和简历上留下深刻印象.

  • 当你转学时,荣誉研讨会课程更有可能被你的专业录取.

  • 完成靠谱买球app推荐大学的荣誉课程可以让你有更大的机会进入转学学院/大学的荣誉课程.

Applying to Hawkeye's 荣誉项目

学生 can apply for Hawkeye's 荣誉项目 at any time. 有些学分,包括服务项目,可以在学期中期开始.

To apply, simply complete the form below. The committee will reply within 10 days of receipt of your application.

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319-296-2329 ext.1449

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